About Us

We believe that with the proper resources, humans can thrive in the digital era.

Digital wellness is not simply about unplugging for a while. It's a holistic way of thinking about how, when, where, and why we interact with technology and the effects those choices have on aspects of our health and wellbeing. It is about bringing "intention" to our "attention" to reach an optimal balance of tech-life-usage where humans and their organizations thrive. 

We help you, your employees, and your students enjoy the sweet spot between productivity and thriving in the digital era.

Our Approach

We created the proprietary Digital Flourishing model to offer an empowerment-oriented approach that allows partners to build positive digital practices across eight dimensions of digital wellness.  

We apply this model via courses, consulting, and certification to improve wholistic wellness, recognizing that many areas are interconnected. This visual tool helps individuals continually evaluate the shifting pressures in our world and recalibrate to find a better sense of balance.
The Digital Wellness Institute helps hundreds of employers, higher-ed institutions, and individuals optimize their digital usage to promote mental health and productivity while embracing a positive digital culture. 

The World's Global Leaders in Digital Wellbeing. 

DWI Co-Founder and CEO, Amy Blankson, confronts our "tech-victim" mentality and arms listeners with tools to fight back at the attention economy of likes and social media self-promotion.

Our Team

Amy Blankson
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer

- Bestselling author of The Future of Happiness
- TEDx Speaker: Getting Unstuck in the Digital Era
- Featured professor in Oprah's Happiness course
- BA, Harvard; MBA, Yale School of Management 
Nina Hersher
Co-Founder, Chief Learning Officer

- Speaker and leading expert in Digital Wellness
- Founder, Evolving in the Digital Age™ Consulting
- Featured on Spotify, Al Jazeera, and Voice of America
- MSW, St Louis University
Tyler Rice
Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer

Certified Digital Wellness Expert 
- Featured innovator, Stanford's Idea-to-Market Business Incubator
- MPA, Social Impact Investing, NYU
- Speaker, World Happiness Summit
Dr. Sophie Janicke Bowles
Director of Research

Professor, Positive Media Studies, Chapman- Curriculum Developer
- Digital Flourishing Survey Architect
- PhD, Florida State University; BA, Eberhard Karls Unviersity (Germany)
Contact details

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Hours of operation
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 19.00

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