Interactive E-Learning Series

Remote & Hybrid Work Readiness Program

Write your awesome label here.


The skill you need to become more productive in the digital age.


Learn the keys to effective communication in a constantly connected world.

Mental Health

Protect your mental health in the age of social media comparison

Physical Health

Promote your physical health in the era of remote & hybrid work
Write your awesome label here.

Feel Empowered with The Digital Flourishing® Wheel

The Digital Flourishing® model offers an empowerment-oriented approach to building positive digital practices across eight dimensions of Digital Wellness in your life.

This model helps you assess wellness across domains, recognizing that many areas are interconnected. The visual tool helps individuals continually evaluate the shifting pressures in our world and recalibrate to find a better sense of balance. 

Digital wellness education in 15 minutes

Power-up with bite-sized, interactive, digital wellness education. Courses designed to improve digital usage habits in 15 minutes or less. 

1. Choose your course

Whether one course or the whole bundle, find what is right for you.

2. Find the sweet spot

Learn to optimize your digital usage habits through interactive & engaging e-learnings accessible via desktop and mobile.

3. Earn your badge

Don't let your upskilling go uncelebrated. Download your micro-badge and share the power of digital wellness with others.

Bundle & Save

Purchase all 4 learnings. Enjoy a discount and earn certification as a Digitally Well Worker in addition to micro-badges. 
  • Productivity
  • Communication
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health

Remote & Hybrid Work Readiness Bundle

Four interactive and engaging e-learnings that educate learners on core elements of digital wellness in 15 minutes or less. Includes downloadable resources to take learning "offline" and bring it into your daily habits. Individuals earn micro-badges and recognition upon completion per-individual course.

Certification as a Digitally Well-Worker

Individuals educated in digital wellness are both thriving & productive. Managing digital distractions and optimizing technology usage to promote mental and physical health are of strategic business value to employers. Market your skills and stand out from the crowd in the remote & hybrid work environment. 

Find the sweet spot. 

Not sure which course is best for you? Get your personal digital wellness score to find your custom learning suggestions.