Your Workplace Training Score

Between 1-5

55% of respondents score workplace training in this category

What this score suggests

  • Employees are not taught digital wellness best practices; in fact, most may be unfamiliar with the topic at all.
  • Given the lack of training, employee workdays are typically filled with digital distractions. The result can be a lack of productivity which can lead to longer working hours and the feeling of being "always on."
  • While your workplace may offer physical and mental health benefits to employees, these benefits are not the addressing the underlying problems stemming from digital overuse.  Employees are looking for help navigating their digital lives, both at home and at work.

Why it matters

  • Workplaces that have this score are more likely to pay high prices in employee physical and behavioral health as well as presenteeism costs. Presenteeism is "the act or culture of employees working despite having reduced productivity levels."  In-fact, the amount of time employees in workplaces with this score spend on screen on tasks unrelated to work is approx. 1.5 hours in an 8-hour workday. This number can be even higher for remote and hybrid employees. Employees of workplaces in this category are looking for guidance on ways to manage digital distraction but are not receiving that support from their current workplace.   

What to do about it

  • This is the perfect opportunity for companywide education and outreach. Employees need the chance to learn about digital wellness. through education. The need for this education is even higher for remote and hybrid workers. Add digital wellness e-learnings to the employee onboarding experience and teach employees to find the sweet spot between thriving and productivity in the digital era. Or begin the conversation by bringing in a Certified Digital Wellness Expert to host a virtual or in-person keynote address. 

Between 6-9

45% of respondents score workplace training in this category

What this score suggests

  • Workplaces may offer a baseline level of training on digital wellness in the workplace, but it either exists in its infancy or is not well adopted within the workplace.  
  • Workplaces may have brought in a speaker in the past to discuss digital wellness. This training is possibly in need of reinforcement.
  • Employees feel like their workplace is taking the first step towards training them on how to manage their digital lives at work and at home but feel like more can be done to reinforce the trainings.

Why it matters

  • Workplaces that have this score are taking meaningful first step towards digital wellness. Their employees are just at the beginning of understanding their roadmap to digital wellness, but are looking the topic to be engrained in the workplace more than it currently is. As such, companies in this category stand to benefit from empowering employees to take greater control over their digital lives. 

What to do about it

  • If digital wellness e-learnings are currently being implemented within the company, make sure that they are included as a part of the employee onboarding experience. Empower them with the tools to navigate work and life in the digital era from the beginning of their tenure. Furthermore, consider bringing in a Certified Digital Wellness Expert to speak to employees about digital wellness best practices. Even if your workplace has brought one in in the past, it may be time for a tune up!

Between 10-12

10% of respondents score workplace training in this category

What this score suggests

  • Digital wellness trainings are well-adopted and well-known within your workplace
  • The workplace brings in speakers to discuss the importance of digital wellness with employees.
  • Employees feel like their workplace teaches them to minimize distractions during the workday to increase their productivity, often resulting in shorter, more productive working hours. 

Why it matters

  • Workplaces that have this score are excelling in the field. This type of workplace is desirable in the digital era, especially as more employees than ever are looking to their employers for guidance in navigating work and life in the digital age. All told, workplaces that fall in this category often have employees who are more productive, more fulfilled, and more empowered to find the sweet spot between productivity and thriving in the digital era. 

What to do about it

  • Your workplace seems to be a leader in regard to the digital wellness trainings offered to employees. Celebrate that and share it with others by earning a marketable designation as a Certified Digitally Well Workplace.  Get started by purchasing the full version of the index for your extended team or company. If your workplace scores high enough yours has the chance to join a small but growing list and earn recognition for the work you're leading.