Digital Flourishing® Survey

Are your digital habits affecting your ability to flourish?

If you feel like balancing life with the constant demands of technology is a struggle, it’s not just you. More than ever, issues like burnout, unproductive screen time, and digital overwhelm are affecting our ability to thrive in the digital age. Now is the time to pause and reflect: am I digitally flourishing?

Get the answers you need in just six minutes by taking the Digital Flourishing Survey.
Write your awesome label here.

The Science Behind the Survey

Our Digital Flourishing Survey is based on our scientifically supported Digital Flourishing Model, which gets to the heart of the eight dimensions that matter most to optimizing digital well-being. Our survey questions provide a holistic view of how, when, where, and why you interact with technology and the effects those choices have on productivity and well-being.
Don't hesitate

Assess Digital Flourishing at your organization

With our Digital Wellness Insights™, you can see the impact of Digital Flourishing on your workplace or campus — and create a plan to help your organization thrive.

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