Digital Flourishing® Model

A research-based framework that helps you flourish in the digital age
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The science behind digital wellness

To solve one of the defining issues of our time, you need a team of experts who understand the science behind the problem. The Digital Flourishing Model is a proprietary and scientifically supported framework that was developed by leading researchers and academic institutions across North America. It takes a holistic view of how we interact with technology and its impact on well-being.
From assessment to certification, our approach is grounded in this model, which helps individuals find that sweet spot where productivity, health, and happiness are optimized in the digital era. 

Digital Flourishing® Wheel

Our wheel breaks down Digital Flourishing into the eight dimensions that matter most. 


Enhancing focus
Managing distractions
Tech literacy and navigating technology with ease
Work-life balance

Mental Health

Intentional vs. passive use
Self-expression and creativity
Positive emotion and inspiration
Meaning and purpose
Self-care and breaks


Digital clutter
Optimizing physical workspaces
Ergonomic office design
Blue light filters
Digital minimalism

Physical Health

Sleep health
Breaks and movement
Tech hygiene
Eye health
Texting and driving


Positive social comparison
Digital culture at work
Team communication charters
Tech-life balance and boundaries
Socially responsible correspondence

Tech-Enabled Health

Digital fitness gamification
Virtual accountability partners
Health status alerts
Tech-enabled health with wearables


Social support
Sense of connection
Meaningful interactions
Sense of community

Digital Citizenship

Privacy and security
Digital identity and footprint
Civil and mindful interaction
Digital activism
Conscious content consumption

Are you flourishing?

Based on years of data and the Digital Flourishing Model, our Digital Flourishing Survey uses questions and metrics to measure the core of digital wellness.

Micro Habits: Small habits that make a big impact

Digital Flourishing starts with recognizing the small choices we make every day that affect our ability to thrive in the digital age. While they may not seem like a big deal on their own, when put together, these Micro Habits make a significant impact on digital wellness. 
From the way we respond to an unnecessary notification to the environment around us, our model helps build positive digital habits in each of the eight dimensions of Digital Flourishing.
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Don't hesitate

Assess Digital Flourishing at your organization

With our Digital Wellness Insights™, you can see the impact of Digital Flourishing on your workplace or campus — and create a plan to help your organization thrive.

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