Student Insights™
Digital Flourishing®, Re-imagined
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It's time to look beyond screentime...
It's time to measure Digital Flourishing®
Student Insights™ is your campus pulse survey that allows you to answer a fundamental question:
Are your students Flourishing?
Are your students Flourishing?
How It Works
Student Insights™ builds off the scientifically validated Digital Flourishing assessment to provide students with the tools to assess their own relationship with technology in 7 minutes or less.
Assess the following, with Student Insights™
Student Screen Time
Intended Usage Goals
Concentration and Focus
Flourishing of Students
Bring Digital Flourishing to Your Campus
Help your students & campus reach a state of Digital Flourishing®
Write your awesome label here.
Digital Flourishing® on campus is not just a nice to have...
It's a strategic and operational imperative.
Unlock your campus flourishing score and provide students with a roadmap for improvement.
Empower students to reach a state of Digital Flourishing - both on campus, and beyond.
Bring in the world's leading experts. Create a shift in culture to align digital wellness with your strategic goals.