Digitally Well Campuses™

Research-based digital wellness solutions that
help your campus thrive
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Do you know how digitally well your students are? 

You know how important mental health is to student success, so you’ve invested in programs that foster greater social, emotional, and physical wellness. But there’s one trend that you’re missing: digital wellness.  

The average student spends 10-17 hours per day on screens. While this seems unfathomable, it’s the reality for many students. Since the pandemic, screen time has increased by 30%, fundamentally changing the modern student experience. And guess what? We’re just now seeing the long-term effects, from mental health to attrition. 

If you’re not tracking these trends, you’re likely experiencing a massive leak in student productivity and retention. And temporary patches aren’t going to make it better. That’s where we come in.  

Build positive digital practices into your campus

Campus leaders need real-time insight into the digital wellness of their students. Tracking student digital wellness is no longer a nice to have; it’s a necessity for student success. As the global leader in digital wellness education and certification, we help you uncover what’s fueling student burnout and do something about it. 

1. Assess

Get real-time snapshots of student digital wellness through our listening platform with suggestions for how to improve over time.

Students gain insight into their screen time and how they stack up with their peers.

2. Improve

Create meaningful change with tools that integrate seamlessly into your existing efforts.

Customize Micro Courses for your students, upskilling them in positive practices and bringing digital wellness to life on your campus. 

3. Certify

Keep the momentum going and make digital wellness part of the culture of your campus.

Support current students better and stand out to potential students with recognition as a Digitally Well UniversityTM.

Why digital wellness matters to you

Digital wellness isn’t a nice to have program; it’s an key component to student success. Campus leaders need to be able to track student burnout, so they can support students in real time.
  • Increased focus
  • Improved mental health
  • Reduced burnout 
  • Increased academic success
  • Lowered attrition rates
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Help your campus flourish

Don’t wait another day. See how you can use the science of digital wellness to start your path to becoming a Digitally Well Campus™ today.