Customer success stories

Discover the impact of digital wellness on organizations like yours

Real Measurable Results

By investing in digital wellness, some of our clients have seen measurable results in employee well-being, productivity, and retention. 

  • 22% reduction in distracted screen time during the workday
  • 34% reduction in employees reporting feelings of anxiety
  • 22% reduction in employees reporting feelings of burnout 
  • 93% of employees likely to recommend their workplace to a friend
  • 80% decrease in employees likely to seek employment elsewhere 
  • 52% reduction in the feeling of always “being on”
  • 50% in feeling the need to respond after hours or on vacation
  • 50% reduction in anxiety due to the number of emails and messages

Impact study: ATB Financial

As the first Certified Digitally Well Workplace™ in the world, ATB Financial implemented purposeful digital habits that improved employee mental health, retention, and productivity in just six weeks. Our impact study gives you an inside look at the metrics and strategies that helped create a positive digital culture and reduce burnout and inbox anxiety by over 50%.
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We create real change for our clients

How we navigate work and life in the digital environment is THE issue for us to solve moving forward. The Digital Wellness Institute is quantifying the problem with the right measurements at the right time. They have a suite of interventions that can meaningfully move the needle forward for positive change.
Matthew Chow
Chief Mental Health Officer
Telus Health
Learning to manage our boundaries and harness the power of technology is possible when we take time to learn about ideas like digital overuse and pursue a state of digital flourishing. The Digital Wellness Institute's courses provide context for greater understanding and provide the tools we need to have a better and more intentional relationship with technology. 
Kerilee Snatenchuk
Director of People and Culture
ATB Financial
After taking the Digital Wellness Institute's courses through my company, I came away with greater awareness about how I'm looking after my health and digital wellness (or how I might not be without realizing it!) and what I can do to increase my productivity at work and lessen the feeling of burnout. These courses also served as a great reminder to set healthy boundaries for my tech usage habits — both at work and home.
Jacob Turner
Don't hesitate

Create meaningful change in your organization

With our research-based approach to digital wellness, we’ll show you how you can reclaim well-being and productivity too. See the impact that digital wellness can make today.